Monday, April 6, 2015

Hello, Spring!

   It's starting to warm up a bit, our yard is free of snow, and I can't wait for everything to green up! So, in honor of Easter and all this lovely Spring weather we have been having, I have been stitching up some fabulous Spring designs! Most of the aprons I have been sewing lately have all been custom orders, but I will be working on some new additions to my line up for our local Spring Craft and Trade Show in town! I enjoy being a part of this small town show as it's a great way to get involved in the community and I am always surprised at how many people come from bigger areas to our small commuting town to check out the local vendors! The Spring Craft + Trade Show will be April 18th, and unless my schedule frees up considerably, this will most likely be my last show until late summer/early fall.

  I am also busy whipping up some fun Mother's Day custom orders! I love all my custom orders, because each one is unique and sometimes quirky and always challenges me to try something new. I love seeing what ideas my customers come up with for custom orders, and it is so much fun working with them to make a design unique to them!

Custom orders can be a challenge, but it's a challenge I enjoy :) This week, besides Mother's Day orders and the Spring line-up, I am working on a 1950's retro style apron, complete with a circle skirt, pearled button, and a gorgeous vintage red and white fabric! 

   Of course, I can never just focus on one project! So, I started attending a quilt class! I made a simple Log Cabin style quilt years ago with my aunt, and she is the person who first inspired my love for sewing and design! We had plans together to make another quilt (the Log Cabin quilt was made 14 years ago!), and after my aunt passed away before we could start our quilt, I became determined to learn to quilt and hopefully one day carry on her quilting legacy!

Let's just say, I am far from being the quilter she was, but I am loving the first two columns of my quilt! There will be four more columns, (the columns are longer then shown here) and then I am contemplating a double or triple border and doing the back in grey minky. 

Philip and I enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend with our family! It was so enjoyable having his sister and her husband come for a visit and stay with us for a few days, and we also had three days of family gatherings with his family! When a family as large as my husbands is all together in one place, we have to make the most of it with non-stop family time! It was so wonderful catching up with family from afar, and now we are looking forward to yet another family gathering today with my family! Our lives definitely revolve around our beautiful families, and I feel so fortunate to have the people I love the most living so near to me! 

Happy Easter Weekend + Happy Spring to all of you from us!